The standard for squid inspection

In the last article,  we introduced you the inspection of squid. We will now introduce the standard of squid quality inspection.

We will set squid tubes as an example.

About the product information, it should have these details: Product Name, Latin Name, Product description, Origin, Ingredients, and Storage conditions. 

Then we will go to the defects part. 

  1. Color: slightly yellow color. The target is no more than 1%. If it’s over 3%, then this product will meet rejection. 
  2. Size: The target is no more than 5%. If it’s over 10%, then this product will meet rejection. 
  3. Short weight: The target is none of the products has short weight. If there are more than 2 samples which less than declared net weight in 10 samples, then rejection.
  4. Broken squid(bitten meat missing): The target is none of the products has broken squid. If there are more than 2%, then rejection.
  5. Broken squid(bitten, no meat missing): The target is no more than 5%. If there are more than 10%, then rejection. 
  6. Stuck together(in 1kg): The target is none. If there are more than two tubes stuck together, then rejection. 
  7. Dehydration: The target is none. If there is any dehydration, then rejection.
  8. Foreign matter: The target is none. If any metal, glass, and wood or more than 2 pieces of harmless foreign matter in 10KG products, then rejection. 
  9. Abnormal taste, smell: The target is none. If there are more then 1%, then rejection.
  10. Total defects(short weight, weight excluded): The target is no more than 5%. If there are more than 10%, then rejection.

Now, do you know the standard of squid inspection? Ocean treasure has experienced inspectors to save your time and ease your concern.  Contact us and let us be your reliable supplier.

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