Golden Pomfret

Trachinotus Ovatus
Presentation: WR, IQF
Packaging: IWP, bulk
Season: Peak season,  Sep-Nov
Glazing: 0-20%
Additives: Chemical-free
Size: 200-400, 400-600,600-800,800-1000,1000+

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Golden Pomfret

Golden Pomfret is well known for being non-fishy tasting fish. It has a flat shape, subtly sweet taste, and firm texture. Golden Pomfret is one of the most farmed fish in China.

We are exporting this fish mainly to the USA, Canada, Southeast Asia, Middle East, and in the European Union. The main season is between September to December. Golden Pomfret is not concerned by fish ban season and its available all year.

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Golden Pomfret

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