Giant Squid/Gigas

Dosidicus Gigas
Presentation: Clean tube IQF, Raw/Blanched
Packaging: Retailer pack or bulk
Season: Whole year around
Glazing: 0-30%
Additives: Chemical-free or according to EU standards
Size: Giant Squid Tube: 100-200g, 200-400g, 400-600g, 600-800g, 800-1000g, 1000 up

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Giant Squid/Gigas

Ocean Treasure is the leading supplier of Giant squid/Gigas in China. Giant squid catching is located in Peru, Ecuador sea area. Its season is from Jun. to Dec. Size can be more than 20kgs and the latter, the bigger. The giant squid has a strong acid taste and its membrane is thick. Usually for the clean tubes and rings are always EU-treated and some clients require membrane off. Specification: clean tubes, rings, fillet, tentacles.
Size for tubes: U3, U4-5, 200-400g, 400-600g.

for rings: 3-8cm, 4-10cm.

for fillet and tentacle: normally from RM 2kg up.

Market: Eu market, South East Asia, North Africa, Russia, Latin America, etc.

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Giant Squid

Giant Squid/Gigas

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