Arrowtooth Flounder

Atheresthes Stomias
Presentation: Fillet, portion, skin-on/off, PBI/PBO/IQF/Interleaved/block
Packaging: Retailer pack or bulk
Season: Whole year around
Glazing: 0-30%
Additives: Chemical-free or according to EU standards
Size: 200-400g, 400-600g, 600-800g

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Arrowtooth Flounder

There are 3 main areas for fishing Arrowtooth Flounder: Gulf of Alaska, Bering Sea, and West Coast of the USA from California to Washington state. Arrowtooth founder is a relatively large, brownish-colored flatfish with a large mouth. It grows slowly and can live up to 27 years.

Our Arrowtooth flounder raw materials are high-quality products usually from the USA. Commercial interest in Arrowtooth flounder has grown in recent years. The main markets are the USA, Spain, Greece, Poland, Italy, Netherland, and the Middle East.

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Arrowtooth Flounder

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