Blue diet is the new future?

Sustainable seafood could provide more nutrition to people than beef, pork and chicken while reducing greenhouse gas emissions. reports an article published online in Communications Earth & Environment. The findings suggest that policies to promote seafood in diets as a substitute for other animal protein could improve future food security and help address climate change.

Human diets around the world need to become more nutritious, while reducing their climate footprint, to keep up with growing population sizes. However, strategies to reduce climate emissions of future diets typically promote plant-based “green” diets and overlook the potential of seafood-based “blue” diets.

contribution of food to emission

Peter Tyedmers, Elinor Hallström and colleagues analyzed the nutrient density and climate impacts of globally important wild-caught and farmed sources of seafood from a broad range of fishery and aquaculture sources in 2015. They found that wild-caught salmon, herring, mackerel, and anchovies, as well as farmed mussels and oysters, had the lowest climate impacts relative to their nutritional value. Half of the seafood species analyzed had a higher nutrient density, and emitted fewer greenhouse gases than beef, pork and chicken.

Differences in production and harvesting methods were found to create a large variability in the climate impacts of each species. To further reduce emissions, the fishing industry should adopt fuel-efficient fishing technologies and rebuild depleted stocks while aquaculture produces more unfed fish and shellfish and finds more climate-friendly sources of fish feed, the authors suggest.

While this research focuses on greenhouse emissions and not the potential impacts on ecosystems, the findings highlight the possibility for seafood to provide a sustainable source of nutritious food that benefits the climate.

GHG of emissions to global fuel usage

To keep the fish resources sustainable and end environmentally friendly MSC and ASC were created. More specifically, in order to maintain a sufficient number of fish and not exhaust the remaining sources of blue diet MSC was created. To manage and protect the habitat of fish – ASC

The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) is a non–profit organization that follows the ecological principle of catching fish and seafood. The main focus is on preserving a sufficient number of fish in the ocean, preserving the habitat. 

The Aquaculture Board of Trustees (ASC) is an independent international non–profit organization that manages the aquaculture certification program. ASC works with aquaculture producers, seafood processors, retail and food companies, scientists, environmental organizations, and consumers.

In 2018 Ocean Treasure received both MSC and ASC certificates. We take an active role in protecting the environment and supplementing our clients with not only high-quality but environmentally friendly products. If you want to know more about how we commit to quality services, check out this page

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