Articles for Quality

india vannamei

diciembre 18, 2020

El servicio de inspección de mariscos siempre es vital en el negocio del comercio de productos del mar, especialmente para el negocio internacional. Con más de 12 años en la industria pesquera mundial, Ocean Treasure tiene su propio equipo de inspectores bien capacitados y experimentados en China, Vietnam e India. Nuestros inspectores están certificados por BRC.

julio 2, 2020

Ocean Treasure Foods Limited is a frozen seafood exporter, importer, and full-service provider with customers throughout Europe, North Africa, Latin America, and USA. Meanwhile, we also can supply you professional inspection service.

junio 29, 2020

We often consider Panga fish as "a fish for humanity". With its advantages of fewer thorns, high protein, and diverse eating methods, it has become a new trend in the catering industry.

junio 2, 2020

Summer is coming, and it’s time to start to get our shrimp dishes. We will mention some tips for importing frozen shrimp.

mayo 22, 2020

In the last article, we introduced you the inspection of squid. We will now introduce the standard of squid quality inspection.
Certification Suppliers ASC MSC BRC

mayo 18, 2020

Today we will explain you how to check whether your supplier has those three certifications, BRC, MSC, ASC.

marzo 16, 2020

Summer is coming, and it’s time to start to get our shrimp dishes. We will mention some tips for importing frozen shrimp.

marzo 18, 2019

Ocean Treasure World Foods Limited has acquired MSC ( Marine Stewardship Council ) certificate recently.


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